.. _Evaluate NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface: Evaluate NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface ========================================================================== To perform an evaluation, run the following command in the terminal: .. code-block:: shell neurecoRNN evaluate path/to/evaluation/configuration/file/eval.conf The skeleton of evaluation file eval.conf looks as follows: .. code-block:: javascript :linenos: { "neurecoRNN_evaluate": { "exc_filenames": [], "init_output_filenames": [], "init_exc_filenames": [], "ernn_filename": "", "write_model_output_to_directory": "" } } Its fields should be filled accordingly. | The available evaluation parameters in the configuration file are described in the following table. .. csv-table:: NeurEco Discrete Dynamic evaluation parameters in .conf :file: csv_tables/ConfDiscreteDynamicNeurEcoEvaluatingParameters.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 3, 3, 8 :delim: ; :align: center